As we all know..Birth has end in Death , likewise Employment ends in Retirement.Our Divisional President-Com. S.Gangadharan has got this oppertunitie on 6th Oct 2013.It was his voulantier retirement since he was not feeling wel due to knee operation.He was always and actively associated with AILRSA . AILRSA would never forget his contribution toward development of ALL INDIA LOCO RUNNING STAFF ASSOCIATION/GUNTAKAL DIVISION of South Central Railway.
The Hindu
South Central Railway /AILRSA Extended Zonal working committee meeting was held on 25th July 2013 in Sitara hotal in Secunderabad.All office bearers , branch , division and Zonal level were present .This meeting was presidise by Com.T.Hanumaiah Joint Secretary General/AILRSA / All India.
1.CEC Meeting of 8th August 2013 - Participation and Resolution to be placed.
2.Violation of Tri-partite settlement by RLC / Hyderabad duly bringing out specific cases of breach.
3. Membership drive.
4. Implementation of past decision - Review
5. Staff grivence and Program of action.
6. Replacement of General Secretary and many more with permission of chair.
As we all know..Birth has end in Death , likewise Employment ends in Retirement.Our Divisional President-Com. S.Gangadharan has got this oppertunitie on 6th Oct 2013.It was his voulantier retirement since he was not feeling wel due to knee operation.He was always and actively associated with AILRSA . AILRSA would never forget his contribution toward development of ALL INDIA LOCO RUNNING STAFF ASSOCIATION/GUNTAKAL DIVISION of South Central Railway.
Lets have a short look at glance of this functuion-
He was arrived by 11028 Exp at Guntakal and welcome by Com.G.N.Shaw Divisional Secretary /GTL.Div./S.C.Rly.
Group photo. Left to Right- 1.Com. K.Suryakumar ZP/AILRSA/SCR 2.S.Gangadharan with garland3.G.N.Shaw.DS/AILRSA/GTL.Div.4K.M.R.Kumar.ExTreasurer/AILRSA/GTL.Branch.5.JeelaniBashaTreasurer/AILRSA/SCZone.6E.Balakrishanan.President/AILRSA/Katpadi Branch/Mas Div.
Com.S.Gangadharan with Wife are welcom byMr.Dada Hayath Basha CCC/Lobby/GTLin Lobby and G.N.Shaw visible with FIRE magazine.
Felicitation to Com.S.Gangadharan by all Running staff of Guntakal Depot.
One procession was started ex GOOTY Railway station to Railway Institute as a mega event ,which was memorable and never happens in others any function / Occasions via his Temple .
Garland by Com. Rajendran DP/SBC.Div/SWR. to S.Gangadharan before procession has to start by jeep which was decorated like charrot.
Band/Drum party before procession .
Lets know your Com.S.Gangadharan.Loco Pilot/Mail
He was appointed in railway on 03.12.1977as loco khalasi in GTL Div.He has bear the responsibility very successfuly.Loco khalasi >Fireman/c>Fireman/b >ALP >Loco pilot/ Gds >LP/Pass > LP/Mail >now voulantier retirement due to health problem.He was elected as GY branch secretary of AILRSA IN 1985. Now he is Div. President of AILRSA.He had made a sever agitation and administration transfer him to Nanded Div during tragedy death of Bhupal Reddy Loco Pilot/Mail /GTL. Even though our efforts were not stalled and he was again got a back transfer order to Guntakal. Loco running staff of Guntakal Div. will never forget his most contribution and sacrifice toward welfare to all.He has promised us to continue his service in development of AILRSA in all level.
We all pray to almighty for his healthy , wealthy and peaceful life. ========================================================================
The Hindu
CHENNAI, August 24, 2013
Manhandling of loco pilot flayed
Expressing grief over the Bihar tragedy where at least 30 pilgrims were run over by a train as they were crossing the track, the All India Loco Running Staff Association (AILRSA) condemned the manhandling of loco pilot by an irate mob following the accident.
In a statement, AILRSA divisional secretary V. Balachandran pointed out that during run over incidents, loco pilots too were psychological victims and struggled to cope with the tragedy.
The AILRSA urged the public to realise that even if a loco pilot wished to, it was impossible to immediately stop a speeding train which usually requires at least 840 metres to come to a stop once brakes are applied.
The association wanted railways to set up more passenger-friendly facilities such as foot overbridges and escalators and also strictly enforce the Railway Act to deter trespass on the tracks. –
Special Correspondent
South Central Railway /AILRSA Extended Zonal working committee meeting was held on 25th July 2013 in Sitara hotal in Secunderabad.All office bearers , branch , division and Zonal level were present .This meeting was presidise by Com.T.Hanumaiah Joint Secretary General/AILRSA / All India.
1.CEC Meeting of 8th August 2013 - Participation and Resolution to be placed.
2.Violation of Tri-partite settlement by RLC / Hyderabad duly bringing out specific cases of breach.
3. Membership drive.
4. Implementation of past decision - Review
5. Staff grivence and Program of action.
6. Replacement of General Secretary and many more with permission of chair.
AILRSA was adapted many kinds of agitation in past .Negotiation was failed between Railway board , Labour Ministry and AILRSA.There by Labour Ministry has refereed our matter to National Industrial Tribunal and its head quarter made in Mumbai. Mean way constituting the Empower committee by Railway board is absolutely meaningless and illegal when the such matter are under consideration and hearing in NIT.It is nothing but to deceive the running men. The need of hour is to unite the Running staff against the Railway ill intention and motive.we must protect our 30% pay element and 55% retirement benefit in any causes.
It is learn that all GMs has suggested to implement as given below-
Pay element Retirement benefit
1)Loco pilot mail 30% 55%
2)Loco pilot Pass. 20% 35%
3)Loco pilot Goods 15% 25% and
other loco pilots ( shunter/asst.LP etc) are still more in reduction percentage.This motive is very dangerous.we must be alert.
Friends ...Southern Railway , South central Railway and South western Railway jointly has decided to demonstrate in front of all lobbies in this zones against the Empower committee on 10th June 2013 at 10.00 hrs.
Come on join hand together and protect your privilege .
Dated on-07/06/2013
Thursday. 23/05/2013
Mr. Manohar Motorman of Chennai , while working Gummdipundi MMC-EMU got unconscious and fell down in his cab .His train slows and stopped automatically as provision provided.One local MMC-EMU Motor man observed the flasher light ,which was passing on down line and stopped his train near the Gummdipundi MMC and rushed to cab.He found thar Mr.Manohar was unconscious .He was referred to Peramboor Railway hospital , where he was declared dead.This is the third , its kind of case since last dasak.
In this incident , more than 100 passenger life was saved. Investigation /Reason for this incident under process. Wel running staff knows the reasons for this.
AILRSA salute to brave warrior.
( 25)
No-ERB-1/2013/23/16. New Delhi, Dated25.03.2013 ( signed on 04/04/13)
No-ERB-1/2013/23/16. New Delhi, Dated25.03.2013 ( signed on 04/04/13)
Ministry of Railway ( Railway Board ) have decided to constitute an Empowerd Committee to finalise a mechanism for a new formula for running allowance.The committee will consist of the following officers--
1.Excutive Director / Pay commission-I , Railway board Convener
Excutive Director / Mechanical Engg(Tr.)Railway Board Member
Excutive Director /Elect.Engg(RS),Railway Board Member
Excutive Director Traffic Transporation(F), Railway Board Member
Excutive Director Finance(Estt),Railway Board Member
2.The term of referance of the committee will be as under-
a)To determine the quantam of pay element in running allowance and
b)To review the exiting formula for calculation of rate of running allowance and evolve a new formula.
3.The HQ of the committee will be at New Delhi.
4.The committee should submit its report within a period of 3 ( three)months from the date of its constitution.
5.The convenor and Members of the committee will be eligible to draw TA/DA as admisible under the extant rules.
Railway Board.
(24) Asst. Loco Pilot
Last night one Asst. Loco Pilot S.K.MOHANTA of BNDM depot has suicided due to got sever punishment .....as removal from service after over shooting the signal at ON , while working Train Number-8006 DN Express.His father when seen the dead body of his son ,could not able to bear the sock and expired due to immediate heart attack ,
This type of inhuman punishment should be protested in all level..Dear Loco Pilots awake and think many folds.
(This message received by Manoj Kumar of Sealdah today/20.03.2013)
Loco Pilots --INTENSIVE ...
Com R.S.Pandian Retired Loco Pilot (pass)/Madurai and Ex Zonal Secretary of AILRSA /South Zone had appealed to Regional Labour Commissioner / Madurai , to classifie Loco Pilots as Intensive.
RLC/Madurai on deep investigation and finding , reached on a decision that Loco Pilots must be classified as INTENSIVE worker and passed its order to consider it.(DRM/MADURAI).
Divisional authority re- appealed to appellate authority RLC/Chennai. RLC/ Chennai also passed the order in favor of Running staff and stated that decision of RLC/Madurai is stand good.
General Manger /Southern Railways challenger this verdicts in next appellate authority ( Jt.Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Empowerment) as INTENSIVE cadre of Running Staff .
GM/S.Rly appell against RLC/Chennai decision was dismissed by Appelate Authority once again on 18th Febraury 2013.
It is a great success in our demands.
Pl.visit my blog. www.gorakhnathomsai.blogspot.com for Hindi .
======================================================================== (22)
Loco Pilots of South Central Railway has been planed to sit on dharana in front of General Manager office / Secunderabad against atrocities and to get their long pending demands on 14th March 2013.. This dharana will start from 10.00 hrs and follow by Zonal Working Committee /AILRSA meeting , to discuss the following Agenda-
1. Implimentation of ZWC & CWC decission
2.Ensuring election for Trade Union recognition in Railway.
3.Staff Grievances.
4.Membership drive-2012.
5.Commencement of Welfare fund for office bearers/active members.
6.RLC Conciliation. and
7.Circulation of 'Fire' magzine.
All are most welcome w/o fail.
Dear loco pilots .
.. what is your duty during , when most of trade union are cheating your privilege and constitutional right frequently ?
Are you support those who are humiliating you , depressing you and not fighting for your right ?
Around six years past after six pay commission.... but we are not provided our genuine grade pay , mileage arrears etc.What more time is necessary for negotiation / cheating to running staff. We must have much believe and expectation in judgement of NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL , which is a constitutional body to listen the argument of both sides.
NIT was set up after a long agitation and failure of negotiation process with railway administration by running staff .The pay commission report is a recommendation by the commission which gov. may accept or reject totally or accept partially.where as NIT is court preceding and speaking order , which will passed giving justification after listening both side. In many incidence it has observed that order of the President of India after the judgement of the supreme court upheld the death sentence was challenged by the supreme court Advocate Mr.Garg and supreme court stayed the President of India order of confirming death penalty and redirected the president of India to pass a speaking order regarding the death sentence.
Dear friends some trade unions are misguiding running staff about setup of NIT and they are raising question which is totally baseless and like empties knowledge .This is a high time to organize our self in banner of whom ? who seriously fighting and sacrifice for right of running staff.Be careful with divisive forces who want to brake the real trade union activities and make the worker slave of the administration.
======================================================================== (20)
Loco pilot ( Passenger) Shri vasudevan , while returning from Chennai to Guntakal by train number 11028 expired by heart st rock on 15 th june 2012 at Gooty waiting room in NEWS paper reading pose.AILRSA pay a great and deep condolence .
Report on CRS office march
Hampi Express driver dozed off because of ‘fatigue’Shubhadeep Choudhury/TNS

The driver of the ill-fated Hampi Express, which collided with a stationary goods train on May 22 at Penukonda station under Bangalore division leading to death of 25 passengers, has admitted that he missed the home signal because his eyes were closed for more than usual duration.
This was disclosed in a press statement issued by the All-India Loco Running Staff Association (AILRSA). While the driver’s admission confirmed the railway management’s theory that the accident occurred due to “human error”, the AILRSA said the incident was a pointer to the inhuman working condition that the train drivers were being subjected to by the management.
The statement said the loco pilot worked for six continuous nights from May 14 to May 19. On May 20, he got a night’s rest and on May 21 again he was booked to work the Hampi Express, a night train.
Admitting that the driver was assigned work in accordance with HOER (hours of employment regulation) of the Railways, the AILRSA said HOER rules were “inhuman” and needed to be changed immediately. According to the AILRSA, the driver dozed off for “30 to 60 seconds” because of sleep deprivation and mental fatigue. “Often the person is not aware of the sleep that has occurred. A train running at 100 kmph will cover 1.7 km in 60 seconds and if micro sleep occurs after a distant signal at caution, accident will happen,” the statement said.
The AILRSA, a representative organisation of train drivers, expressed anguish that Railway Minister Mukul Roy, who visited the accident spot, talked about using anti-collision devices, but said nothing about changing the HOER rules.
The statement said train drivers would hold a demonstration in front of the office of the commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS) on June 7 and apprise him of various demands, including confining night duties to two consecutive nights only, and filling the vacancies of drivers.
The agony and pain has to stop after 22 may 2012 accident of Hampi express in Penikonda ,meanwhile one another incident took place in Nanded Division of South central railway...which I received a SMS IS ATTAICHED here.
" in nanded division an accident took place on today ( 24-05-2012).It is passenger train (57541) engine failed in block section.Relief engine asked but not protected.Relief engine driver ( the loco was detached from Tapovan express, and Tapovan express loco pilot was deputed to go in section , to pull the disable passenger train up to next station ) not observed 15 KMPH. in occupied section and ran with 50 KMPH. and could not stopped short of disable train. Relief engine collided with disable train.Cause damage to rolling stock and serious injury to passenger... DO NOT VIOLATE SAFETY RULES."
Here one passenger train loco was failed in mid section . there fore pass. loco pilot has asked assistance of other loco to clear the section, but the loco pilot .who was sent with relief loco was moved with abnormal speed and unable to control his loco when he saw the disable passenger train in mid section.. at last loco was collided.
In this case purely human failure. why ?
L. MONY=========================================================================
Press release on 16591 Hampi express
accident at Penukonda on 22/05/2012 at 3.15 hrs.
association wish to submit the following facts to your esteemed news paper for
The railways before conducting an
enquiry, hastly declared that loco pilot ignored the home signal without
analyzing the reasons for the incident. Both the home signals for lines coming
from Dharmavaram and Sathyasai Prasanti nilayam towards Penukonda are somewhat
close and the Hampi express coming from Dharmavaram first sights the signal
from Sathyasainilayam and only when very close to Penukonda sights the
concerned signal. Following are the reasons leading to accident.
In the said accident involved Guntakal loco pilots were working only up to
Dharmavaram from Guntakal till 2009 and later it was extended to Bangalore and
Bangalore Loco pilots spell of run was extended from Dharmavaram to Gundakal increasing
the total working hours to 10 if right time, increasing fatigue. The
parliamentary standing committee on safety recommended 8 hours duty in 2004 and
railways rejected it.
The Gundakal based Loco pilots have to work train towards 6 directions like
Bangalore, Solapur, Gundakal, Hubli, Renigunta and Secundrabad. Similarly
Bangalore Loco pilots have to work towards Gundakal, Arasikare, Mysore, Erode
and Chennai and they happened to work in a particular direction only once in 30
or 40 days and familiarity of rail road is lost. To save 2 or 3 sets of crew
railways extended the run of Loco pilots and invited this accident.
The WDP4 Loco involved in accident was in long hood direction where the
visibility from driving cab is very poor. The railway board specially ordered
the originally twin cab Loco from GM Motors as single cab and done away with
the turning table that were available at all junction stations during steam
period with seant regard to safety.
The railway rule insist to work 6 nights continuously in a week which is beyond
human capacity. The research wing of railway the RDSO recommended long back 2
continues duty in a week, but railway rejected.
The weekly rest for Loco pilots are only four 30 hours and five 22 hours and
railways in recent past tightened the crew links with five 22 hours weekly rest
which is insufficient. Since now as days railways creating economy by not
filling up of vacancies meager 30/22 hours weekly rest is denied to keep the
wheels of the nation moves. Out of the total sanctioned strength of 60, 000
Loco pilots and assistant loco pilots in Indian railways 17, 000 are kept
vacant but the vacancies of the ruling class bureaucracy is 100 % full.
Lastly according to rule points of any station are to be normally set towards non
occupied line, but at Penukonda points were set towards occupied line and this
rear collision happened.
C.Sunish ...updated his status: "On 11.05.2012 while working PJ 14(Goods
Train-Perambur to Jindal) from Arsikere to Bellari around 07.30 hrs,
train parted between Ajjampur(AJP) and Shivani(SHV) railway stations ,
roughly 230 KM away from Bangalore.
The Assistant loco pilot Sri.Anurag
Kesari,went for re- coupling the parted wagons, during that the parted
portion rolled back and he was crushed between the coupling and
succumbed to death.
He is 24 years old and appointed in Railways in 2011,
hails from Bhagalpur of Bihar. He is surviving with Widowed Mother , 3
married sisters and one elder and Physically Handicapped brother.
Postmortem conducted in Govt Hospital
Birur. His brother arrived at Hospital. Body will be air lifted to
AILRSA express deep condolence."
( Posted on-15 May2012)
"Railway did not attend today's(25-04-2012) sitting in National Industrial Tribunal
sitting at Mumbai. Adjudicator asked AILRSA to submit our claim under
affidavit, and ex party hearing will start from 31 May 2012."
from MN Prasad.Secretary General/AILRSA/New Delhi
POSTED ON--25-04-2012
Signals never gives wrong indication as ...they says . but what is this ?---
On 17 April2012, i was approaching Krishna station with train number-15015 express( GKP-YPR)...OBSERVED--
Distant signal displayed=Attention aspect
Inner distant displayed=double aspect i.e caution and proceed combine.
Home signal displayed=Proceed.
suspected some thing wrong and controlled the train speed.
consulted with station manager through walkies- talkie , his replies was that he has been taken off all the signal for proceed aspect.
Now then how this happens?
Reported this matter to all concern.One CLI/GTL was in loco.
===================================== (13)
The following loco pilots of Indian Railways are selected for M.R.award-2012
Now then how this happens?
Reported this matter to all concern.One CLI/GTL was in loco.
The following loco pilots of Indian Railways are selected for M.R.award-2012
01 Md..Sirajuddin E.R.
02 Sunil kumar nath ECR
03 A.K.Prasad ECR
04 Lachhaman mahato ECR
05 M.Srinivas Rao ECoR
06 Madan lal NR
07 Abhay kumar srivastav NER
08 Ramesh singh NER
09 Bhagawan dass NWR
10 N.Balasubramanyam SR
11 Zakir Hussain SCR
12 Rajesh Prasad SER
13 Bipin . H. Goswamy WR
O.A. number 484/2011 , 507/2011 , 561/2011 , 610/2011 ,647/2011 and 650/2011
Wednesday . this the 22nd day of Febrauary.2012
In his land mark judgement , it is observed and passed order that loco pilot / goods/pass/mail are eligible M .A .C.P .( modified assured career progression) .
11) OM WOMANSDAY ---08th march 2012.. woman aspires to drive Rajdhani express..
Ashok Sharma | 9:46am Dec 12 |
पश्चिम रेलवे के लोको पायलट श्री राजाराम पस्पू के लगभग 22 वर्षीय सुपुत्र का रेल दुर्घटना में दुखद निधन हो गया | इस दुखद समय में सम्पूर्ण रेल परिवार उनके साथ है, ईश्वर उन्हें इस दुःख से उबरने की शक्ति दे और दिवंगत आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करें |
Saji Cv Thrissur | 8:23am Dec 12 |
A sad thing to share
Priyesh Singh Kshatriya ▶ LOCO Pilot Indian Railway
Priyesh Singh Kshatriya ▶ LOCO Pilot Indian Railway
08) what is going on ?
See in a technical operational fault by on duty station master of Gooty jn. station , one disester was saved , since loco pilot and asst.loco pilots were alert.
I received one message on 30-10-2011 by the working loco pilots of train number-17604 exp.They were joined at Dharmavaram. message contains was as ---
" LP and ALP of 17604 exp on dt.30/10/2011 working from DMM-GTL. at gy (gooty )jn cabin distant signal was attention.after confirming each other. while approaching Home signal was suddenly put back to danger ( original aspect before put back was - caution ) Train stopped in calling on zone , for twenty minutes .After reception of a good train fron down main line , our home signal was taken off."
This message was dispatched to all concern by him .If on duty master will do like this ...then where is assurance of safety of train as wel as life of loco pilots?
" LP and ALP of 17604 exp on dt.30/10/2011 working from DMM-GTL. at gy (gooty )jn cabin distant signal was attention.after confirming each other. while approaching Home signal was suddenly put back to danger ( original aspect before put back was - caution ) Train stopped in calling on zone , for twenty minutes .After reception of a good train fron down main line , our home signal was taken off."
This message was dispatched to all concern by him .If on duty master will do like this ...then where is assurance of safety of train as wel as life of loco pilots?
07)Anup Ghosh | 8:24pm Sep 28 |
yesterday, One of the cl-ass 1 LP From MB Division Died During Duty on 13308 Kissan Exp...The Senior ADRM & DME & Loco Inspector were travelling in the Loco...LP Told them that He is not feeling well & want to have treatment at Rampur....But ADRM & DME did`n let him out from the loco at Rampur....They told him that He can get treatment at Bareilly jun.. they informed the Doctor of BE stn....At BE stn, LP got out from the loco & laid down on a bench, after that no one did`n came expect only a "JHOLA CHAAP" Pharmacist....The LP died on that Bench after suffering for 2 hrs.....The Loco Inspector had drive that train From MB to BE.....Now all the LP of MB & BE r going to do a strike against ADRM & DME & Loco Inspector......Their demands r
1.Put a FIR against ADRM & DME & Loco Inspector
2.Loco inspectors r not allowed to drive a train or Loco, so loco inspector have to give clarification to DRM of MB division.
3.The Doctor of BE stn. should be suspended..(He was gone with his wife on a dinner, while LP was suffering to death on the BE stn.)
But the senior railway official is matter ko Dabaane ki koshish kar rahe hai.....
1.Put a FIR against ADRM & DME & Loco Inspector
2.Loco inspectors r not allowed to drive a train or Loco, so loco inspector have to give clarification to DRM of MB division.
3.The Doctor of BE stn. should be suspended..(He was gone with his wife on a dinner, while LP was suffering to death on the BE stn.)
But the senior railway official is matter ko Dabaane ki koshish kar rahe hai.....
Biju Vidyadharan 1:12pm Aug 24
01 ) Oh God save the running staff. The food supplied at Renigunta Running Room have glass pieces in rice on 12.08.2011 and have 1 Inch beetle Insect in Rasam supplied on yesterday 23.08.2011. Problem is not resolving . We are not demanding Five star food , it must have minimum standard and eatable......
I received this message through e-mail by Biju Vidyadharan .same forwarded to DRM / GTL for kind persuad.


02) dated on -01-09-2011.
भारतीय रेल में दुर्घटनाओ के समय मरने वाले या उससे प्रभावित होने वाले -सर्वप्रथम लोको पायलट ही हैं ! कल उड़ीसा में हुयी , दो माल गाड़ी के टक्कर में भी लोको पायलटो को जान गवानी पड़ी - इसके कारन चाहे जो भी हो ! देंखे एक पेपर (dc )रिपोर्ट -
जीवन सबको प्यारी है !
03) Station master- care less.
yesterday I worked 12163 exp. ex GTL to RU. loco number -- 17661/GTL Guard was shri S.L.Naik / GTL. ALP- shri .S.K.Sahu.
when train was approaching to Nandalur station , the aspect of signal was as below-
1) distant signal = Procced.
2) Inner distant = Attention.
3)Home = caution
4) while approaching to station building , found that station master was exhibiting proceed hand signal to us duly standing in front of station building.
5) I cautiously proceeded ahead and found that main line starter was at danger position.
6) Train stopped in foot of starter and convey the matter to my guard .
7) After 2 mts starter was normally taken off. we started the train .
8) on arrival at Renigunta - all concern message passed through unusual register for necessary action .
9) Phone to chief power controller, my SLI-S .N .K .Moorthy and sms to ADME / POWER /GTL.
10) There by station master was at careless on duty.if we not stop the train , then there was a possibility to pass signal at danger.and therefore loco pilot may punished severaly - as a) Remove from service or b) reversion as lower grade c) as decided by authority.
There fore it is a evidence that loco pilot can save many but no one can save or try to save loco pilot.
11) Till what action was taken against culprit are not known.
The departmental probe into the Arakkonam rail mishap that claimed 10 lives began on Friday, with the recording of statements including that of MEMU driver Rajkumar, whose actions have come under the scanner after the preliminary report suggested “human error”.
“We have already seen him (Rajkumar) in the hospital. He is injured, he is able to speak partly,” Commissioner of Railway Safety, S.K. Mittal, said. “All the evidences will be examined in proper detail, all the witnesses will be examined and we will submit the report quite early,” he said. Southern Railway has asked the public to come forward and give evidence till Saturday if they have any knowledge relating to the accident on Tuesday when the Mainline Electrical Multiple Unit (MEMU) train rammed into a stationery passenger train. Rajkumar’s evidence assumes significance in the wake of railway authorities saying the driver of the MEMU train had jumped a few signals and ignored speed restrictions. Union Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi had announced a comprehensive probe to ascertain if the accident occurred due to human error or technical fault. Railway Board Chairman Vinay Mittal had said that according to preliminary report it could be a human error. “The driver (of MEMU train) apparently had passed a few signals at yellow and a few at red also and has collided with the passenger train waiting for signal clearance at a speed in excess of 90 km per hour. Apparently just before the impact he jumped out of the train,” Southern Railway General Manager Deepak Krishan had said. |
Kalyan Gaddameedi | 11:42pm Sep 19 |
On 19.09.11 morning `; TVC our AILRSA leaders handed over a memorandum to Railway Minister.
1.Post ALP in EMU/MEMU
2.New RR at ERS andTVC
3.Vacancy filling,crew shortage,Goods working.anomalies in COM link are represent.
MR assured to consider the demand and thanks to AILRSA.
Afternoon Sri.P.Karunakaran M.P,P.Rajeeve M.P, and A.Sampath M.P were met MR and gave our memorandum. MR has told to MPs An ALP posting in MEMU is considered
1.Post ALP in EMU/MEMU
2.New RR at ERS andTVC
3.Vacancy filling,crew shortage,Goods working.anomalies in COM link are represent.
MR assured to consider the demand and thanks to AILRSA.
Afternoon Sri.P.Karunakaran M.P,P.Rajeeve M.P, and A.Sampath M.P were met MR and gave our memorandum. MR has told to MPs An ALP posting in MEMU is considered
6) Dated on - 24 th sept 2011
I was worked train number- 12164 exp ex -GTL to WD . while about to reach near last stop signal of Guntakal , observed that it was flown back from proceed aspect to danger . Stopped the train by emergency application .Information passed to chief power controller through CUG cell phon and written message at wadi., But authority has not taken any action in this regard.culprit are enjoing.
Locopilot= G.N.SHAW /GTL
Asst.locopilot= . CHAND BASHA
Guard= S.R.NAIK.
Loco number=11347 WDM3d/PA.
Thanks for your valuable information
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